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$3k later, no laptop on the horizon

A little over a week ago, Lou and I went down to our friendly credit union (where his mom is on the board, heh), and asked for and received a $3k loan at 6% for two years repayment. We'll probably have it paid off by the end of this year, or close to it, but hey...

And then after the check was deposited in our bank account and we made it back home, we ordered him the following, using my educational discount (it pays to work for educational institutions!):

12" Powerbook, with 640mb of RAM (maxed out), 60 gig hard drive, AirPort Extreme card, and the combo CDRW/DVD drive;

a 10 gig iPod;

Office for X;

Applecare Protection Plan.

With 2-day shipping added in, the total came to $3,090.

We had everything shipped to Jack's house in Concord, NH, to avoid the sales tax because we're not home during the day. There was a slight delay with our credit card company because of the odd shipping location, but one call to the credit card company later, and a follow-up call to Apple, and we were all set.

Everything has now arrived at our location. Everything except his Powerbook, which takes 2-4 weeks before shipping. He debated about getting the 40 gig and getting it *NOW* (from an Apple store), but he realized he wanted as much as he could get when we could get it, so he opted to wait.

I have the base station set up and working now, and using my work-paid-for wireless networking card, I can connect in the living room without needing cable. yay!

However, the signal has dropped out twice tonight for no apparent reason. It's not our phone, so what worries me is it might be a neighbor's phone. Living in a house divided up into apartments may have more drawbacks to wireless than I anticipated. ::sighs::

I brought an iBook home for Lou to load music for his iPod, and he busily ripped CDs and loaded up the iPod. So far, he's got 500+ songs.

And in other news, I have a cold. I took some Alka-Seltzer Plus cold medicine, but we only have one packet left and I think I'll need that tomorrow morning. So now I must drink lots of fluids (water so far, but some tea in a bit, herbal) and blow my nose, when it will let me do so and it's being all frelling stuffed up.

Oh, Friday's Farscape? Rocked. But ... (spoilers moved to extended entry)

... how long has it not been Aeryn? Obviously recently...it was Aeryn on Earp, of course. So just on this planet, at some point? Right? Don't fuck with my world, people!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 9, 2003 9:43 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Weekly Wrap-Up #41.

The next post in this blog is PromoGuy's Monday Mission 3.06.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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