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Google is $deity

I finagled work into buying me a wireless network card for my Windows laptop. We're a mostly-Mac network (*trying* hard to shove the Winblows boxen out the window, but they keep multiplying), and we're working on setting up a more formal Airport network, for laptops, conference rooms, etc.

But they want it to be secure. I've hidden the network name so you have to know it ahead of time, and made a password for it.

Now I know it's secure from the Mac side. It's very non-detectible, unless you know its name and password. But how might it look to someone warchalking?

So, we got the network card for me to test it out with my WinXP laptop.

Considering how long it took me to configure this thing, I think we're pretty secure! Google came to the rescue with all sorts of links on how to connect my card to an AirPort network, including getting the correct password (which Apple hashes to match the encryption standard it uses).

And now I know for certain that, when we purchase Lou's TiBook next year, we can get an Airport base station and we both can hook up to it.

Comments (1)

Yeah, but Dictionary.com is $DEITY ...

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