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Location, Location, Location

Just call me a lemming...

Find Your Spot

Tells me that my ideal locations are:

1) Lewiston, ME

2) Carlisle, PA

3) Harrisburg, PA

4) Albany, NY

5) Nashua, NH

6) Manchester, NH

7) Portland, ME

8) Altoona, PA

9) Ocala, FL

10) Charleston, SC

11) Long Island, NY

12) Biloxi-Gulfport, MS

13) Bremerton, WA

14) Philadephia, PA

15) Erie, PA

16) Tallahassee, FL

17) Fort Myers-Cape Coral, FL

18) Syracuse, NY

19) Coral Springs, FL

20) Buffalo, NY

21) Reading, PA

22) Gainesville, FL

23) Lancaster, PA

24) Bangor, ME

I'm very upset that there are NO locations in Massachusetts or Rhode Island in here. And I don't think it's house costs that'd rule out my states.


Comments (3)


As far as RI is concerned, I think the onlt place they have is Providence - I searched for a bunch of different cities RI and didn't find any others.

I'm from Bangor originally (we live in Florida now). What possible combination of answers could you have given that would suggest Sewerston as #1? Portland maybe...but Lewiston?? The biggest problem I have with Bangor (other than it's frickin' freezing, Mr. Bigglesworth) is that it's BORING.

(Note: The above rant is to convince the annoying voice in my head that it really doesn't want to move back to Maine.)

*laugh* Well, Solonor, I don't know precisely where Sew..err...Lewiston is, but I know I got a number of my choices by picking the Northeast as my only checked box, and that I wanted snow and beach.

So, tell me why Lewiston is such a dive, and I can know whether or not I should consider moving there. :)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 13, 2002 12:51 PM.

The previous post in this blog was ...and I'll shoot every motherfrellin' last one of you.

The next post in this blog is Old School Friday Five.

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