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Sleepy...so sleepy...

I went up to visit Lou yesterday, which involved more driving than I had really thought about.

I am tired today. I want to go home and take a nap. But no, I have to hang out at work, watching someone install java onto an Win2k box and get it working again, to replace a box that was compromised in a new and unique way.

My neck hurts from all the driving yesterday, or something.

And I forgot to bring my camera. Which of course meant that while we were driving back, we saw the most beautiful, complete, double-rainbow I've ever seen. It had been raining, and was sunny, and poof, there they were when we stopped for gas.

I'm very glad next year's conference is about 15 minutes from our house, so Lou can commute.

*yawn* Is it time to go home yet?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 20, 2002 1:50 PM.

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