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Getting older

Well, today was the day I had my first boob sandwich, as a certain someone has taken to calling them. I should have had my baseline done last year, but I was a lazy sot and never got off my ass and did it. So after my OB chastised me at my annual, I resolved to do it this year.

Considering that my annual was in February, a September exam is still within a year. Thankfully.

And so far, no problems. Though I have until Monday to wait for the final "all clear."

It wasn't that painful, though I'd imagine women with smaller breasts than mine are the ones who have the largest amount of pain/discomfort with the procedure.

I do hope all my female friends are making sure to get their regular exams, doing self-exams at home, and if you're old enough, getting the yearly mammogram.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 23, 2004 8:30 PM.

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