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Black Isle closes

The RPGDot link has been slashdotted, but here is where I found my original information.

Lou won't be happy. Fallout 3 has been shelved.

The information comes from an unnamed Interplay source, who says 'Any time you see the [Black Isle] logo on a future product, know that no one who was associated with BIS actually worked on it', as well as a post by BIS employee Damien Foletto on the Interplay message boards, who adds: 'The non-announced [PC] title that the division was working on, Fallout 3 [aka Van Buren], has been 'shelved', to quote management.'

That's just too bad.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 9, 2003 11:51 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Merry Merry, quite contrary.

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