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Teeny tiny rust monster?

Iron-eating bug found to thrive in 121C heat

The newly discovered micro-organism does not yet have a scientific name but its finders call it "Strain 121". The researchers, Kazem Kashefi and Derek Lovley from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, found the tiny creature in a deep-sea volcanic vent on the bed of the Pacific Ocean, where temperatures reach 400C.

They put Strain 121 in a hot oven to find that it enjoyed the experience - colonies continued to double in size at 121C.

Come on, guys! Call it what it is. A rust monster!

Courtesy of Slashdot.

Comments (1)


Yeah, I thought that too. Think they will keep in a quarantine tighter than smallpox, or do you think it will get away from them?


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