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Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness

Boy, does this game suck!

Okay, it's not really that bad, but it has more bugs than ANY other TR game before it. The other games had small glitches here and there, and some stuff you could exploit, like the corner bug.

This game, so far, has seen Lara float upwards into the side of the Louvre, for no apparent reason that Lou and I could discern. After looking around in/through the wall for a minute or so, she floated back down.

There was also the ledge glitch. In one certain area, you were supposed to jump up from a platform that rose and lowered, catching the ledge when the platform was at its peak, and pull Lara upwards.

We could catch the edge, but we couldn't pull her up. And we also couldn't move her from side to side. She appeared to be actually floating about a foot or two (her perspective) above the ledge she was grabbing onto. Lou finally got a hold of the ledge by standing in a very specific spot and jumping.

Heh. And now, after we've done the whole archeological dig site, and are fleeing the Louvre, the game just totally seized up. Never had that happen with a PS2 game before. Eidos and Core really should have endured the further wrath of fans and waited to put out a less glitchy game. It's not like you can patch a PS2 game to fix bugs.

But we're still playing, and for the most part, still enjoying it. The controls are very different from the past games, and I don't think I will do well when I get a chance to play (I already tried to get us through one very badly setup area, and did not enjoy the new controls). But we usually play with Lou controlling Lara and me looking around for the things he missed, and it works well for us that way.

Edited to add: Oh my god! Kurtis Trent has the best introductory cut scene EVER! I so want him right now. To play him, I mean. Yeah. That's what I meant.

Comments (1)

ian orwin:

im obsessed with tomb raider and ive played all her games, but the glitches on this one are hurrendous. In Von Croys appartment i lost all my guns and when i went to open the door she's meant to say 'it doesn't open' but it kept repeating and echoing. This game is great otherwhys.

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