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Weekly Wrap-Up #51

1. What's your favorite method of travel? Why?

Oh, probably car. As long as it's a comfortable car. I like seeing the sights as I travel. Though there is much to be said for arriving over a city at night, via plane.

2. What's the longest road trip you've ever taken? Where?

Oh, probably to GenCon. Okay wait, it depends on how you define "longest." Longest in amount of time taken, or farthest from me?

Now that I think about it, we took family trips when I was younger to St. Louis. I'm sure that was the farthest.

Getting lost coming back from AmberCon US that one time ... I think it was 24 hours or so from door to door. Lesson learned: Never take advice from someone who never drives anywhere...

3. How many plane trips have you taken in your life?

Tons! Too many to count. I flew back and forth from school a lot, until I had the car. Back and forth to England, and the same to Spain. Las Vegas. GenCon many times. Origins, too. Plus when we moved from Maryland to RI, we flew up. And a trip to Florida or two when Ken was down there. So I'd say well over 50.

4. What method of travel do you fear so much or intensely dislike that you avoid it? Why?

None. Though I am not fond of boats in storms, for I think the obvious reasons. I love to travel.

5. Describe the worst travel experience you've ever had.

Driving back from ACUS, lo those many years ago. We took a "short cut" that wasn't, and Lou and I had also stayed up until 5:00 in the morning roleplaying the night before. We left at like 7:00 a.m., so we were really beat. This was the time that Lou didn't make it to his bed, but fell on the floor and crawled to his bedroom, he was so tired. He pulled the blanket down on top of himself and slept on the floor. Me, I had the car and Ken Alves insisted on making sure I got home safe, so he slept on my couch. Corey got dropped off first, I think.

I don't recall a lot of it, other than that I was dead tired and very snippy when we got lost, for the obvious reasons.


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