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Weekly Wrap-Up #49

1. Do you like to sing? Why or why not?

I love to sing. It relaxes me, it hops me up. It helps me remember the Preamble to the Constitution, altered moderately.

Put anything to music, and I'll remember it! It's why I still remember songs from chorus in the 6th grade and from then through high school.

2. Where do you like to sing? Why?

Anywhere, and everywhere. In the car, at home, not so much at work, but sometimes. I sing when the mood strikes me.

3. Do you sing in front of people? Why or why not?

Yes, but it depends on the people. I don't usually sing in front of or to strangers. They might think I was odd. ;)

4. What's your favorite song to sing along with? Why?

No particular one. Any and every one.

5. What song is your guilty singing pleasure? Why?

All of them. None of them. Singing isn't a guilty pleasure, it's just something I do.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 4, 2003 9:02 PM.

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