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Belated Thursday Thumbs

1. If you were able to take a one-month trip anywhere in the world, with money and vacation time no object, where would you go and what would you do?

Do I have to go to just one place? *whines* Okay, I'd do Australia and New Zealand. I'd tour the countryside, see the outback and the colorful NZ countryside. Pop about in the big cities, go visit the Great Barrier Reef, and just generally relax and have fun.

2. How do you react to people who talk loudly while the movie is playing?

I turn and glare, then let Lou handle it. He's much more imposing than I am.

3. What meal do you look forward to the most?

Dinner. I love dinner. Breakfast during the week is quick, and lunches haven't been the same since WW. But dinner is my favorite meal.

Or did you mean something like a holiday meal? If that's the case, then I love the "family reunion" meals at my mom's house, when she makes all the stuff that is bad for us but we love since we had it as kids - fried chicken, au gratin potatoes, roast beef, and such. The meals can be when my brother is visiting (Jerry lives in Kansas, the rest of my siblings live in New England) or at holiday meals, though the fried chicken is usually not prepared then.

I also love dinners with my mom and Lou. My mom will have us over every few months or so, because Lou and she, and she and me, share the same love of some foods. Lou and Mom love sausage and sauerkraut, Mom and I love salmon patties.

Damn, now I'm hungry. And it's only 9:00 a.m.!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 28, 2002 9:02 AM.

The previous post in this blog was This Broken Earth.

The next post in this blog is Halloween Friday Five.

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