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I blame Paula.

She asks me this morning if I'm having trouble connecting with Fire at work, and I say no. I have the occasional disconnect, and the random "low-level error" for ICQ, but reconnecting is quick and easy.

Ever since I spoke with her this morning, AIM has been quitting out of Fire, while the other services (supposedly) stay connected. I get lots of shutting doors, and when I glance over, everyone on AIM is gone from my buddy list.

I reconnect, and hear all those doors opening. Then a few minutes later, BAM, I'm disconnected.

Fire has been known in the past to say it's still connected with other services, when it's actually all a lie, and I really am disconnected. (Damn, there it goes again!)

So I'm off to download the AIM client itself (ick). And maybe a few others.

Hmm...maybe it *is* time to look into Adium or Proteus...

Comments (3)

I like Proteus better than Fire. Then Proteus decided it didn't like me. But it's more functional than Fire in my opinion.

Ah, it seems AIM changed its protocols or something. They're working on a fix. I've got a pre-release that's working just fine'n'dandy now.


I haven't tried Fire, but I've been using Proteus at home for a while, and I really like it. I'd recommend it if you decide to ditch Fire.

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