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Sunday Thumbs

1. How do you picture your funeral?
I don't want one.

I want my organs to be donated, and my body cremated, and the ashes placed in the dirt where a birch tree is planted, hopefully on my own yard or a family member's.

Then I'd like people to have a party where they can remember me and tell each other stories about me and cry and laugh and be there for each other, and for Lou. Because if I'm dead and he's not, he is SO going to need that support.

2. As a juror, you are sworn to not discuss with anyone the details of the trial you're impaneled for. Do you (would you) anyway?
No, I wouldn't. I've been there, I've done that. And I did not speak at all until it was all over.

That said, if I would be tempted, it would be to talk with Lou about it. But he understands the need for privacy (it's a big thing with is job, though not so much as when he worked at the opiate clinic), so he wouldn't pressure me to talk either.

3. Would you rather live someplace where it's always between 80-90 degrees F both day and night, or someplace where it's always 40-50 degrees F? (For you metric types, that's 26-32C or 4-10C.)
Oh, 80-90, please! I love the warmth. I'd miss being able to curl up cozy in front of a fireplace, but I'd deal.

As long as it's not too humid, or too dry. We need to take the humidity level into account here.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 8, 2002 11:48 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Peevy Friday Five.

The next post in this blog is Grr. Argh. Bleah..

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