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Monday Mission 2.38

1. When I was young, my Mom would always drink a cold Dr. Pepper in the morning. Me, I can go either way. I like a Cold Frappucchino in the Summer months and switch to warm Mocha Espresso in the Fall. Do you like to drink warm beverages in the morning or do you prefer yours cold?
Hot. Hot tea, preferably. Though I know people who take their caffeine only in cold form, I am not one of them.

2. Have you ever been so upset with someone that you wanted to get revenge? What did you do? Or if you didn't, what would you like to have done?
Not that I can recall. There are some folk I'd like to get revenge on, but I don't recall every doing it.

3. Sometimes I can look back at my past and see so many things that I was too naive to take advantage of. A time where I could have moved ahead in my career if only I'd chosen to move, the High School girlfriend who said she would do anything if I just asked, and so on. Looking back, are there any opportunities you missed out on that you can see now but didn't realize then?
Sure, but I don't regret not taking any of them. I do recall that there was one guy in college who was interested in me, but I didn't see it (I was too busy trying to pursue someone else). On the last day of school, either for my freshman year or possibly before Christmas break my sophomore year (wherein I did not return to school due to lack of funds), said guy came up to me, and told me about how I missed the opportunity to fully appreciate the glory that was he. Or something to that effect. I had always thought he was interested in the girl he hung out with, so I never did anything. After that hug in the hallway, I walked on and just laughed at his overinflated ego.

4. Today I tried on my black slacks, and they are just a skosh too tight (yeah it's a real word, look it up). Of course, I wore them anyway. Are there any clothes you refuse to throw away even though they don't (and never will) fit? Why do you keep them?
Yes. I have a skirt that's a size 8. I had ordered a size 10 once upon a time, and it was too big, so I sent it back and got the 8. I wore it on the trip to England, Ireland, and Wales (it was a great travel skirt), and then it got hung up in the closet. I will never fit into it again, but I don't want to give it away.

I also have a neat little dress I got for a party, and then also wore to my brother-in-law's second wedding. I can fit back into that again...if I just lose a *little bit* more weight.

And then, there's the t-shirt collection.

5. Although my speech classes eliminated most if it, I still have a little Okie accent left. I say "Git" instead of "Get" and "Collar" instead of "Colour." Do you have an accent? Are there any phrases or words you say that tip folks that "you aren't from around these parts?"
I'm not that much of a New Englanda, though a few words slip in here and there. More colloquialisms than an accent. Wicked, for one, or as we say it here, wikkid! I'm sure there are others, but not that come to mind.

6. Speaking of phrases, it really drives me nuts when folks say "very unique" (Unique has no degrees, it is either unique or it isn't) or "irregardless" (not a real word). Are there any words folks misspell or incorrect uses of words that simply drive you insane?
Nucular. That's my biggest pet peeve.

7. I am guilty of using pet names a bit too often, like "honey," "babe," and "sweetie." However, currently, no one uses any pet names on me (and I think I'd like one). Are there any pet names that you like to be called? Any you don't? Do you (or did you) have any pet names for your partner?
We call each other "Hon" and "Honey." We get really sweet and icky when we want the other to do something for us (like go down three flights into the basement to get laundry). That's about as sickly sweet as we get, I think.

I personally have another pet peeve - when a waitperson calls me honey or hon, and they do not know me. THAT really pisses me off. No one that doesn't know me is allowed to call me by those names, nor by sweetheart.

BONUS: Why you so fly?
Funky Cold Medina, my man!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 23, 2002 4:04 PM.

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