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Monday Mission 2.37

1. Do you have a favorite piece of poetry or prose written by someone else? Care to share it?
I love Robert Frost. Just about any of his will do for me, but I had to read Birches in school for Speech & Debate (my choice), and it's always held a special place in my heart.

2. In High School, did you enjoy creative writing? Do you currently do any other writing in addition to your Blog?
I didn't do much writing like that in high school, though I do have some old stories I worked on at that time somewhere. I did like writing, but I don't recall doing a lot of it.

I have a blog for my writing, and I've not been doing a lot of that lately. I'm spending too much time reading others' works than working on my own. A flaw of mine that I don't know how to truly break. I also write elsewhere, but again, that suffers from my reading too much.

3. Have you ever noticed that the Blog entries you least expect to get the most comments do, and those you expect to generate a lot of feedback don't? Which Blog entry of yours surprised you by getting a lot of comments? Which one did you think would generate a lot but didn't?
None, really. I don't write for comments, so when I get them, I'm always surprised, and most of the time pleased!

4. Sometimes you get a chance to make a lifestyle change that has a huge impact on the course your life takes. That is, a moment where something became very clear to you, and that realization changed your life, such as: the need to leave a relationship, to stop an addiction, to bond with someone, to start a new career, and so on. Have you ever had an "awakening" moment in your life?
I don't really want to talk about the one I can think of. I was in a relationship at the time, and I made a bad decision, and realized too late that I shoudn't have made that decision. To this day I still regret everything that happened - it still haunts me. But it's in the past, and I'll never do anything like that again.

5. Then there are other times where you can have a huge impact on someone else's life. You suggest they see a doctor, stop them from taking that last drink, or maybe just say some kind words at the moment. Have you made a lasting positive impact on the life of someone else?
Before Lou and I were involved, actually one of the first times we'd really talked, I discovered that he was...umm...rather too nice when it came to his friends. They were taking horrible advantage of him, and he hadn't really realized it. I told him at the time (he was going to leave my house, drive 20 minutes to pick up a friend's wife who "didn't want to take the bus" and bring her home. It was about a ten minute drive from her workplace to her house, and then he was going to come back to finish our stuff - it was gaming-related) that he was too nice. And then I showed him what real friends were like.

He eventually stopped hanging around the others so much, and didn't let them take advantage of him anymore.

And he didn't make the trip to take the girl home that night.

6. Are there any charities or organizations which you support? How did you come to be involved with them?
No, nothing really. Lou used to support WGBH out of Boston, but after the whole "selling of the names to political parties" debacle, he refused to give them any more money. We also occasionally give to police charities (for kids going to the circus, etc.) or other things, but not regularly.

7. Care to collaborate with me? Help me out and write the rest of this poem:

I drifted though a dream last night,
visions full of colors bright.
My thoughts began to drift to you,
and in an instant we were two.

I touched your hand,
We began to blend,
Filled with a feeling
that should have no end.


This will require too much thought. Maybe later.

BONUS: Hey cutie, what's up with this attitude?
Darn, don't recognize this one at all. Ah, there it is!

I treat you sweet...but you never say thanks!

Comments (3)



We drifted on, together then

Through visions dazzling as the sun.

Your heart reached out to comfort me--

And in an instant we were one.


Urr. I hadn't meant to quote anything there...how'd that happen?

Hit the wrong button, perhaps?

Very cool, though.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 16, 2002 10:10 PM.

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