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Thursday's Thumbs on Friday

1. If you could (a) prevent an earthquake in Peru that will kill 40,000, (b) a crash at an airport near you that will kill 200, or (c) an automobile accident that will kill an acquaintance of yours, which one would you choose to avert?
Just an acquaitance, as the question asks, I'd have to go with preventing the earthquake. But hey, I've got superpowers if I can stop the earthquake, right? So I could probably do all of it. Hee.

2. You're engaged to someone in a distant city, but find yourself physically attracted to someone who lives close by. Would you have an affair with this person, if you knew there was no chance it would ever be discovered?
An affair? No, because that would be cheating. Engaged or married, you've made a commitment to this one person, and it's not good to cheat. It will haunt you forever.

Now, if you're into open marriages, that changes things. I have a friend whom I once asked if he would ever get married. His reply was yes, as long as he could still sleep with other people. There you have it.

3. If someone were to give you a $100 gift certificate for your birthday, what store would you want it from?
Store huh? Not restaurant? If restaurant, I'd ask for that $100 toward dinner at Not Your Average Joe's. Appetizer, meal, and dessert. And wine. Yum.

But if for merchandise, I think I'd have to go with Amazon. Wow, that wishlist needs to be updated.


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