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Tattling Twiddles

1. One hot summer afternoon, while walking through a parking lot at a large shopping mall, you notice a dog suffering badly from the heat inside a locked car. What would you do?
I must admit, catching up on people's blogs gave me pause to reconsider my first answer.

I would probably make Lou go inside the mall and have the car's license paged, while I waited outside, cell phone at the ready, keeping an eye on the dog.

I would also try the car's doors, to see if I could open any to let the window down a bit.

If I hadn't heard back from Lou, I'd consider breaking a window, but would probably chicken out and call the police and/or mall security to do it for me. And remind them of how bad a penalty there is for such animal neglect.

2. You are in a restaurant rest room. You notice an employee leaving without washing his/her hands. Do you bring the matter to the attention of the owner or manager? If so, do you do it publicly or privately?
To be honest, I probably wouldn't even notice. I don't tend to look at everyone else while in the washroom, I get in and get out. But if I did notice, I would probably tell Lou, who might say something privately. I don't think I ever would. If the restaurant was not a prime favorite, I doubt I'd return to it.

3. What is one item you own that you really should throw away ... but probably never will?
I am a packrat. I keep tons of crap. I did get rid of letters and cards from my old boyfriend a few years back, though in retrospect I wish I'd have kept them.

But I really should throw out my Duran Duran collection of things. I'd keep the records (maybe sell them on eBay if I can get CDs burned of them...once I find them again), but I also have magazines and articles and tons of crap in a footlocker.

But if I were to go in there to throw them out, I'd start looking at them all, and just never find the time/ability to actually do it.

Lou, on the other hand...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 21, 2002 10:37 PM.

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The next post in this blog is This one scares me.

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