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Busy Busy

We've had a number of server issues at work, which has led to my decline in blogging lately. Expect another day or so of slowness, especially as I'll be up visiting the husband in New Hampshire tomorrow.

But for your amusement, I give you today's most amusing spam:

Dear Sir,
They obviously don't know who they're talking to.
Our group of companies which mainly covers international trade (projects) and has more than 20 years history.
And? And? I'm annoyingly anal, and I hate incomplete sentences.
If you are interested to import the products made in China products or projects, kindly contact our EXPORT DEPT. We will let you our offers and details information after received your e-mail.
They'll let me what? And what projects? Middle school science projects? What? Give me more details, man!
If you have some products or projects which suitable for China markets, kindly contact our IMPORT DEPT. or send your catalogues & quotations to our office directly.
Now this is much better, but verbs are useful. They show action. Still don't know what sort of projects, though...
If this e-mail not suitable for you, kindly delete this e-mail immed. or you can inform us your e-mail address under the subject "MOVING", we will delete your e-mail address from our mail list immed.
Okay, why abbreviate "immediately?" You've spelled out everything else in this letter. And verbs are good. IS. It's a verb. Prepositions are good, too. OF. Use it.
Waiting for your early reply.
And what about my tardy reply?

Okay, I know, English is probably not this spammer's native language, and I'm being annoying. But I have to go configure a Win2k server in a few minutes, and this is the most fun I'll probably have all day.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 18, 2002 8:32 AM.

The previous post in this blog was This is how the invasion stories begin....

The next post in this blog is NYC Teaching Fellows.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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