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Thoughts on the new Flat Panel iMac

On the white mouse...

Oh, they stopped using twist-ties to keep the cords.

On the white keyboard...

Damn, that's going to get dirty fast.


Oh, I do like these new cord-keepers.

On the included phone cord...

Oh, that's what that is. White, eh? Oh well. (toss)

On the grey square of soft cloth...

They included a screen wipe? Neat!

On the size of the thing...

Oh, it's so tiny!

On the weight of the thing...

Damn, that's heavy!

On the port arrangement...

Okay, I can see the problem. Should have done a side- or front-port thing, yep, yep.

On fitting the styrofoam back into the box so the lid will shut...

Oh, this'll never fit. (tries, hard, shaking box) This is not good. (tries rearranging styrofoam again, and again, and again, and again, until finally) Oh, thank god. Well, that was a poor idea.

On the power-up...

I wish they hadn't taken away the power-on button on the keyboard. The power-on button is in the back? Oh, bad idea.

On the speakers...

Hrm, pretty loud. But only one speaker. Ah well.

On the tilt screen...

Moves easy. Small size, but do-able for most folk.

That's it for now. I'm off to donate blood.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 23, 2002 1:42 PM.

The previous post in this blog was I apologize in advance to all the Christians this will offend.

The next post in this blog is Dreamy Friday Five.

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