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Follicle Friday Five

Friday Five is back! Of course, when I go away for the weekend...</rant>

1. What shampoo do you use?
I'm currently using Pantene. I also use Pert Plus on occasion. We have both at home.

2. Do you use conditioner? What kind?
I'm using the Pantene conditioner that goes with the shampoo, or the Pert Plus with the conditioner in it.

3. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
April 20th. Lou and I went to my sister's salon to get both of our hairs cut. I tend to go every few months to get a trim, at least my bangs. I have cut them myself, too.

4. What styling products do you use?
None, really. I have some mousse my sister gave me, and I have some Herbal Essences hair spray, but those are very rarely used. My bangs don't want to cooperate on occasion, so I often have to mangle them to work with above products.

5. What's your worst hair-related experience?
I decided my friend's hair was really cute, and I wanted my hair to look just like hers (this was the 80s). Unfortunately for me, the short haircut looked good on her because she had straight hair. which I do not. The cut looked awful, and I swore I'd never go back to short hair.

I kept a tail behind my left ear that I braided, which was fun (and hip at the time). As it was growing out, I decided to have an angular cut...one side of my hair was shorter than the other. One day at college a floormate was talking to me, and commented that she had just noticed that my hair was supposed to be like that...she always had thought I'd held my head tilted to one side.

Then there was the attempt at layering. My hair does not layer. I looked almost like Farrah Faucett, with the feathering. I could not wait for that go grow out.

Now I keep it long, most often pulled back, with bangs because my forehead is so frelling high. I gave up on side-parting and when I do part these day's it's mostly down the middle. Hence the issue with the bangs not behaving on occasion.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 20, 2002 10:50 AM.

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