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You mean...Venger lived??

This is a very interesting article on the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon from one of its designers/developers.

You want to know why Eric the Cavalier was so whiny? They made him that way. On purpose. And he always had to be wrong, in the end.

This is a cartoon, my friends, that I used to set my alarm for on Saturday mornings, because our local stations would show it, but only at 6:30 a.m. And I was so enamoured of it -- BEFORE I was into RPGs mind -- that I had to watch every episode. Even if I'd already seen it.

And of course, today I'm still haunted by Uni the Unicorn (who was voiced by Frank Welker, THE hardest working voice-over actor in the business. Go on, take a look at what he's done. Any place where there's an animal sound to be produced in a movie, HE's the guy they use. And I'm not just talking animated stuff, but ANYWAY...).

Lou's playing FFX, as I've noted here before. The main female character is named Yuna. But one of the other characters calls her Yunie. This wouldn't be a problem save one thing...they actually use VOICE actors in FFX, to deliver the lines as they are also typed on screen.

Any time I heard Rikku call her Yunie, I want to make that annoying nasal bleat that the frelling unicorn did, and I wonder where Bobby the Barbarian is.

Enough tangents. The original link is...

Courtesy of Ginger.


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