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Glad I didn't try out...

Survivor 4.

As some of you know, I sent in a tape for Survivor 3, but was not chosen. Hell, I wasn't even notified that they got my application and tape, other than the FedEx receipt. I missed getting in my application for this new one - totally missed deadline, didn't even see it at all. But after hearing that they are having NO food or fire given to them at all, I'm not that upset. Though spending the winter in the Marquesas sounds like fun.

I also missed out getting on Survivor 5, wherever that is. The deadline is today. I even had a (better) vague idea for my tape. But I never did it. I decided that they'd never accept me for health reasons.

I'm as blind as a bat without my glasses. I can literally see only three inches from my face clearly. And then there is my old C1 Esterase Inhibitor Deficiency, which is not bothering me currently. I think they want fully healthy people.

At least that's what I keep telling myself. I'll have to start making popblog entries for S5 when it begins at the end of this month. I didn't win at the office on 4, but I did have Kim picked, and she was 2nd place. Go me!


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