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Wait a minute, it'll change

The day after my birthday, this past Thursday, it was 70 degrees in Providence. I was able to go to lunch with a friend and drive to and from with my windows down (blasting WBRU's Retro Lunch). And last night, it was snowing.

There's an old saying...if you don't like New England weather, wait a minute, it'll change.

Lou and I went to see Ocean's Eleven at an early show today. It was our lucky day...their computers were down for credit card processing, and so they comped us on the tickets, and then on the concession (Lou had gone to buy popcorn while I was getting tickets). So we got the movie, a large drink, a large popcorn, and Raisinettes for free. Lou joked that if he had known that, he would have gotten more!

We only had a dollar each, and the theater didn't have an ATM. Something they might want to think about adding in the future!

But the movie was definitely worth the price (how I usually rate movies)! It would have even been worth the $5.75 they would have charged. Fun, good movie, nothing spectacular, won't win any awards, but something that is worth watching at least once. Vaguely interested in seeing the first movie now, but not enough to make that big of an attempt. I just have a feeling I will like the remake a lot better than the first.


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