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This is really annoying.

I think I've really gotten used to playing in face to face (ftf) games, and forgotten how it works in email/message boards.

I started TBE, and am checking it, like hourly, hoping people have posted.

I'm used to the immediate feedback. And I can't break myself of the habit. So when it takes four days (or more) for someone to respond, I get frustrated. And I shouldn't. Hell, before when I was a player in one of these games, I was lucky if I posted once a week. Then again, the game was a much slower paced game than TBE is, at least than I was hoping TBE to be at the beginning.

Oh well. I will have to learn to deal. And work more on WEF and ATF. Maybe work some on the website stuff for WEF.

I wish Adobe would make Photoshop for OS X.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 6, 2001 12:02 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Roswell scores.

The next post in this blog is Prezzies!.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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