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August 2005 Archives

August 12, 2005

Torturing cats

This website really needs to be called Torturing Cats instead.

I do hope some of those owned by the cats shown have nice deep scratches to go with the humiliation they made those poor kitties suffer.


August 31, 2005

The Commandments of Coyote

Because, you know, Only Asshats Bogart Life.

World of Warcraft Part Deux

Been a WHILE since I updated this list...

Just in case anyone wants to drop in:

Hildegaarde, 45 Dwarf Hunter with Skinning and Leatherworking, Guild Mistress of Tuesday Night Fight Club
Jeudi, 32 Human Priest with Skinning and Mining, Officer of Tuesday Night Fight Club

Ladygrace, 11 Human Paladin, with Mining and Blacksmithing

Whisperwind Azjol-Nerub
Skylear, 22 Night Elf Druid with Herbalism and Alchemy
Mereleshka, 7 Human Paladin with no secondary skills yet Deleted 5/22/05

Damarisa, 34 Night Elf Priest with Herbalism and Alchemy, member of The Great White North guild (I'm most often on here on Fridays)

Tryna, 41 Undead Warlock with Mining and Engineering, Officer of the Daughters of the Horde guild, made to play with a guild of all women
Healah, 12 Undead Priest, with Tailoring and Mining, member of Daughters of the Horde guild
Alessandra, 6 Human Warrior, member of the Daughters OfThe Alliance guild, made to play with the alternate faction guild of all women
Lark, 12 Dwarf Hunter who will have Skinning and Leatherworking, member of the Daughters OfThe Alliance guild, made to play with the alternate faction guild of all women
Lundi, 1 Gnome Rogue, created to sign petition for Hunnybun's Hairem guild.

And the place where I am most often found...

Ruana, 60 Tauren Druid with Skinning and Herbalism, Aunt of Browncoats
Saffron, 36 Tauren Shaman with Tailoring and Enchanting, Mom of Browncoats
Seluja, 20 Troll Mage with Herbalism and Alchemy (created 5/21/05), Sister of Browncoats
Sigh, 1 Night Elf Rogue, not played yet, deleted from gnome rogue and recreated 8/30/05

About August 2005

This page contains all entries posted to Society for Aesthetic Deletions in August 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2005 is the previous archive.

September 2005 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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