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May 2005 Archives

May 4, 2005

Card on Trek

A man known for voicing his opinions, Orson Scott Card goes where no writer has gone before. He says it's long past time for Star Trek to be over, and is quite glad to be rid of it.

I certainly hope Card doesn't do any conventions anymore. I can't say that I agree with all of his opinions on Trek, but I do agree with him that "Lost" is sci-fi and quite good, and of course, so was "Firefly."

One more day to Serenity!

Greyhounds in need of homes

I know they say they're good apartment dogs, and I believe it, but I just don't think we could manage a dog in our little apartment along with two cats.

But if you live in the Northeast, please consider adopting a greyhound if you can manage it.

May 5, 2005

Actually, I will be in work on May 19th

I have decided to not skip a day of work for Revenge of the Sith. While I may see it that day, I've decided that I can wait for the weekend on this one.

But in case you're going to take a day out of school or work, you can go here and get an excuse letter, personalized just for you!

May 6, 2005

Serenity, non-spoilers

First off, let me start with SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Second, let me say we got swag! Keychains! Anne's Tim got two due to his sneakiness of going out to get popcorn and an icee and when coming back in was offered another one!

Thirdly, we got Sean Maher and Morena Baccarin!!! And if Lou didn't have to work today, I SO would have stayed in the 500 person line and gotten autographs.

Sean and Morena looked quite overwhelmed by the audience response. I knew we were going to have SOMEONE there based on the camera crew that we had, and the way that 10 minutes before the start of the movie, moved to one side and kept focusing on the one exit door at the front. I kept a watchful eye on them and the door.

We had a big speech about no cameras, and the guy from Universal messed up and said privacy instead of piracy and the crowd laughed. He took it all in stride, and also warned about using night vision technology. Of course, geeks that we are, everyone in the audience was SWEET! *laugh*

Joss began the movie with a segment that MUST be on the DVD. He explained about how this never gets done with cancelled shows (except for, you know, Star Trek, as Anne mentioned, except that Firefly didn't even get a full season), and that if we loved it, recruit more people, and if we didn't, then it was a time for silent contemplation.

There's not really anything spoilery below, but for those whom comments about non-spoilery things IS a spoiler, I will cut it for you.

Continue reading "Serenity, non-spoilers" »

May 9, 2005

Serenity Redux

So, I bought a total of 8 tickets for the Providence screening on the 26th.

And 5 of them are gone already, and likely at least one more tonight, and maybe the rest by Wednesday.

It looks like Providence MAY be showing it on two screens. Or it may be a bug. MovieTickets.com had two listings for a 10:00 show on that day.

And my boss Kate is going and taking her friend, who has not been introduced to Firefly yet.

Anne and Tim will be in Italy, but they've already seen it, so SQUEEE anyway!

ETA: aaaaand I might not be able to go. We're going to see the Brockton Rox that night. 7:00 p.m. game.

Think we can get from Brockton to Providence by 10:00? Think the game will be rained out? Think I'm insane to be even considering it???

Oh yeah.

May 11, 2005

Removing Trackback

I don't trust automated removal tools anymore, since I tried to turn off comments on one blog and hit them all.

So, one by one, I'm turning off trackback pings on posts. They're only generated spam pings for me, alas. I'm posting this as an FYI, and to note to myself that I've gone as far back as 04/03. So I know where to pick up again.

May 18, 2005

And in the WTF? category...

I said this about Alan Cumming and Nightcrawler, so maybe I'll be proven wrong. I think they were trying for the brainiac interpretation, but the rest leaves a lot to be desired.

This is a spoiler, so don't click if you don't want to know about X3 casting news.

But I could like the Juggernaut casting. I'm also displeased they're potentially going with a THIRD actress for Kitty, and it doesn't look like James Marsden is on board yet, alas.

May 26, 2005

Baaaaaaby Penguins

Having a bad day? Work/Life/Relationships got you down?

Then take a look at this trailer for March of the Penguins. If that can't put a smile on your face, I don't know what will.

May 27, 2005

Serenity again!

So with the weather New England has been having lately, my baseball vs. movie decision was decided for me. I had already decided to not go to the ball game because the weather was looking rainy and highs in the low 50s, if that (not counting wind), but the Rox ended up postponing their opening day game until today. We can use our tickets later in the summer, so that's what we'll do.

The screening was sold out, and I ended up not being able to find anyone wanting a ticket, as Lou decided not to attend. He has not been feeling well, having a bout of illness that started after our friends (re)wedding on Saturday night, and ended up with him spending most of the night in the bathroom on his knees. That's when he was able to make it that far. And no, it wasn't alcohol, but true illness, causing him to sleep away all Sunday when he wasn't in the bathroom.

Turns out that a number of his co-workers had the same problem, so there is obviously some bug going around.

So, Serenity last night was just as good, even though we had no stars. I noticed a few things in the movie this time that I wish could have been done better, but all in all, it was just as good. Even more fun was experiencing it with a crowd who had, and hadn't, seen it before. My crew was all first-timers, so I was watching and listening for the scenes I knew would have the best reactions.

My boss brought a Firefly Newbie, someone who hadn't even seen the series at all. And she enjoyed it, and was able to follow it very well (though she feels she may have missed some in-jokes), so that's a good thing. Even more a good thing - she wants to watch the show now! Yay!

September can't come soon enough.

About May 2005

This page contains all entries posted to Society for Aesthetic Deletions in May 2005. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 2005 is the previous archive.

June 2005 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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